Analysis of Anthem

2 May

Hi guys, today I’m going to talk about Anthem and my personal opinion of it so far.  So far I have read two chapters of the book, and surprisingly I’m actually interested.  I thought I wouldn’t like the story because I’ve heard a lot of bad things about Ayn Rand, but she did a good job writing her novel.

Overall I think the story hooked me as I wanted to know what happens to Equality in the end.  However, I believe the morals behind the story are wrong.  Rand through the idea of teamwork and selflessness way out of proportion in an effort to make it easy to argue her idea of individualism.  Ultimately, collectivism and even communism are not nearly as bad as the dystopia that Rand created.

 I also disagree with Ayn Rand’s belief of individualism.  I feel that individualism creates very selfish people, and ultimately people must reach out to one another for us all to prosper.  If everyone only cared about themselves, then very important and helpful things would go away, like welfare and the military.  If nobody ever tried to help anyone else, the world would become an even worse place than the one Ayn Rand invisioned in Anthem.

– Josh

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